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우리에게 가장 친숙한 파파고가 가장익숙한데, 딥플/파파고/구글 세 가지 플랫폼에서 어떻게 해석이 되고있는지 확인해볼까요?

(한글 -> 영어)

Mom! You should eat scallops because.First, they’re good for your bones. They’re packed with nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and iron. They’re also high in collagen, the protein that makes up bones!Second, it’s good for your skin. It’s high in vitamins A, C, and E, which are good for skin elasticity, and it’s high in minerals, which make your skin smoother.Third, it’s perfect for dieting! It’s high in protein, low in fat, and low in calories. It’s also high in fiber, which keeps you full and helps with digestion!Fourth, they boost your immune system! Scallops have antioxidant properties that boost your immune system and fight against aging. They also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help prevent colds and flu in these cold weather months.Fifth, they’re good for your brain, especially since they contain DHA, which prevents damage to brain cells, so they’re effective in preventing dementia, and omega-3s, which are good for cardiovascular health!Scallops are in season from October through December, and farmed red scallops are in season from mid-August through March.Okay? So eat scallops and be healthy! Love you, Mom.Mom! You have to eat scallopsFirst, it’s good for your bones. It’s rich in nutrients that you need for your bone health, such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron.And it’s also rich in collagen, which is the ingredient of the protein that makes up bones!Second, it makes your skin better! It’s rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which is good for your skin’s elasticity, and it also has a lot of minerals, which makes your skin smooth!Third, it’s perfect for a diet! High-protein, low-fat, low-calorie! And it’s rich in dietary fiber, so it keeps you full and helps you digest!Fourth, boost your immunity! Scallops have antioxidant properties, which increase immunity and prevent aging. And they also have anti-inflammatory properties, which prevent colds and flu.Fifth, it’s good for brain health. It also contains DHA, which prevents damage to brain cells, so it’s effective in preventing dementia, and it’s omega-3 and good for cardiovascular health!Scallops are in season from October to December, and farmed red scallops are in season from mid-August to March.Okay? Let’s eat scallops and stay healthy! Mom, I love youmom! Mom, you must eat scallops becauseFirst, it’s good for your bones. It is rich in nutrients necessary for bone health, such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron.It’s also rich in collagen, the protein material that makes up bones!Second, your skin gets better! They say it’s rich in vitamins A, C, and E, so it’s good for skin elasticity, and it’s also rich in minerals that make your skin smooth!Third, it’s perfect for dieting! High protein, low fat and low calories! And it’s rich in dietary fiber, so it keeps you feeling full and aids digestion!Fourth, increase your immunity! Scallops have antioxidant properties that boost immunity and prevent aging. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, so it helps prevent colds and flu when it’s cold like this.Fifth, it is good for brain health. In particular, it contains DHA, which prevents damage to brain cells, and is effective in preventing dementia. Omega 3 is also good for cardiovascular health!Scallops are in season from October to December, and farmed red scallops are in season from mid-August to it? So, let’s eat scallops and be healthy! I love you mom

전반적인 내용 파악은 가능하지만 제가 구체적으로 세밀한 문법은 어렵네요.

그래서 챗 GPT4와 클로드, 뉴빙, 뤼튼에게 물어봤습니다.

뤼튼과 클로드는 파파고의 번역을 가장 자연스럽다고 꼽았습니다.

그리고 챗 GPT4와 뉴빙은 구글의 번역을 선택했어요.

딥플은 아무도 선택하지 않았네요. 잘못된 부분을 정리해달라고 모두에게 요청했는데

딥플이 동일한 표현이 반복되는 부분이 있고 문장구조가 길다고 이야기해 줬어요.

그런데 이건 제가 처음에 쓴 원문 자체의 문제점인 것 같습니다.

의역이 가능하다는 점을 보면 영어를 한국어로 번역할 때는 딥플을 사용하는 것이 정말 유용하다고 생각합니다. 정확한 번역본을 받고싶다면, 딥플을 추천드립니다.

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